
Join our Translator Hall of Fame – See below for how to create or update a translation


OpenConf's author, committee member, and public pages are available in multiple languages. The Admin specifies the languages under the Localization section of the Configuration page. If more than one language is enabled, a language menu (language menu icon) is displayed atop right of the OpenConf home page. Note that system emails will be in the selected language of the signed in user whose action resulted in the message being sent out.

Table of OpenConf translations available including language, locale, % translated, and PO file.
Language Code Translated PO File ⓘ Demo
Deutsch — Germande.pov7v8
English (UK)en-GB.pov7v8
Español — Spanishes.pov7v8
Français — Frenchfr.pov7v8
Italiano — Italianit.pov7v8
Magyar — Hungarianhu.pov7v8
Nederlands — Dutchnl.pov7v8
Português (Brasil) — Portuguese (Brazil)pt-BR.pov7v8
Türkçe — Turkishtr.pov7v8
босански — Bosnianbs.pov7v8
中文 (台灣) — Chinese (Traditional)zh-Hant.pov7v8
中文(简体) — Chinese (Simplified)zh-Hans.pov7v8
日本語 — Japaneseja.pov7v8
The languages below are only available with version 7
العربية — Arabicar.pov7
Indonesian — bahasa Indonesiaid.pov7
ﻑﺍﺮﺴﯾ — Persianfa.pov7
српски srpski — Serbian (Cyrillic)sr_RS.pov7
ру́сский язы́к — Russianru.pov7

Need a different language? See below on how to create your own translation,
or contact us if you are interested in sponsoring a new language.


The use of OpenConf's multilingual interface requires that PHP gettext be enabled, and the system have the proper locale(s) configured. See the openconf/lib/locale/ file for locales specified for each language. If a particular locale for a language is missing on your system, email us the language, operating system type and version, and supported locale name.

Creating a translation for a new language

If you would like to sponsor a new translation by having our team coordinate the translation outsourcing effort, please email us the desired language(s) and we will let you know the sponsorship fee. In order to create and contribute your own translation, follows these steps:

  1. Email us and let us know which language/locale you are interested in translating to. This way if someone else is already working on a translation, we can better coordinate the effort and prevent duplicate work.
  2. Download and install poEDIT.
  3. Download the latest PO file for English (en) above. Do not use the PO file in your installation as it may not contain the latest update.
  4. Start up poEDIT and open the PO file.
  5. Select poEDIT menu Catalog > Settings, change the Language and Country fields, then click OK.
  6. Translate everything that you can, staying true to the OpenConf meaning, and save your work.
    Please be sure to use UTF-8 encoding, and leave all %s, %d, %#$s, and [:zzz:] strings in place (unless otherwise indicated).
  7. Email the revised .po file to translate -at-, along with a signed copy of the copyright disclaimer.

Note that at present OpenConf 8 and later does not support right-to-left languages.

Updating an existing translation

OpenConf Hosting Service clients should contact the support team for assistance.

If you are looking to simply add or replace a few string translations in your local installation, create a custom translation file for each desired language:

  1. Make a copy of the file openconf/lib/locale/ and call it
  2. Open the file in a plain text or code editor
  3. Replace *** in the first code line:
    $OC_translationExtrasAR['***'] = array(
    with the language code in the above table for the desired language (e.g., es for Spanish, fr for French, pt-BR for Brazilian Portuguese)
  4. Add string/translation pairs using the format shown, with one pair per line and each contained within single quotes:
    'original English string' => 'translated string',
    • For long English strings or containing special characters, if needed, an MD5 hash of the original English string may be used instead as of version 7.
    • If the English string contains HTML, make sure to also include it in the translated string as they must match exactly including any spacing. Copying text from a formatted text box (e.g., Home Page Notice on Configuration page) will not allow a match for translation; use the browser to view source the page the string is displayed in and copy the HTML snippet for the string instead.
    • If either the original or translated string includes a single-quote ( ' ), the quote must be prefixed by a backslash ( \' ); smart quotes are best avoided.
  5. Move the file you created into the openconf/lib/locale/***/ directory

In order to make extensive corrections to an existing translation:

  1. Download and install poEDIT.
  2. Download the latest PO file for your language above.
  3. Start up poEDIT and open the PO file.
  4. Update desired stringsand save your work. Make sure to use UTF-8 encoding, and leave all %s, %d, %#$s, and [:zzz:] strings in place (unless otherwise indicated). Fuzzy (gold) strings will likely need to be replaced.
  5. Install the revised translation by copying the .mo file auto-generated by poEDIT to the openconf/lib/locale/[LOCALE]/LC_MESSAGES/ folder. Note that you may need to restart the HTTP server for the new translations to take effect.

Translation Tips

  • Keep the meaning as close to the original as possible, even if your particular event uses something different. You can always generate a separate translation file for your own use. For example, "Make Submission" is preferable to "Submit Paper", as not every use of OpenConf deals with papers.
  • Use UTF-8 encoding, and be careful when copying/pasting from another program.
  • GetText imposes a string limit of 4096 character bytes
  • Do not replace %s, %d, %#$s (unless otherwise indicated)
  • Field names include both a long form (e.g., Submission Title) and short form (e.g., Title). The short form is used in confirmation messages and display to Admin.
  • When in doubt about a meaning, right-click on the word in poEDIT and look up the reference in the code. If you are still unsure of a meaning, contact us.
  • If you are testing a translation that you have made and the server is not displaying the newly translated strings, try restarting the HTTP server. PHP's gettext caches the translations.
  • The .po/.mo file names include the OpenConf version number, and will thus change with each new OpenConf release. See the above comment as to why.

Translator Hall of Fame

The following individuals have translated or reviewed translations of OpenConf. We thank them for their assistance.

Table of translators and reviewers
ArabicBencherif Mohamed Abdelkader, Algeria
BosnianEmir Čičkušić, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Chinese (Simplified)Guohua Tang, China
HungarianDomokos József, Romania
IndonesianFerry Wahyu Wibowo, Indonesia
JapaneseHiroyuki Miyazaki, Japan
PersianAlireza Zamani, Iran
Portuguese (Brazilian)Tadeu Pontes, Brazil
Ronnie Fagundes de Brito, Brazil
RussianVictor Fedoseev, Russia
Serbian (Cyrillic)Darko Divnic, Republika Srpska
SpanishNetzahualcoyotl Hernández Cruz, Mexico
Jessica Cukierman, Argentina
TurkishDeniz Akkoyun, Turkey
Erdal Ustundag, Turkey
Devrim Seral, Cyprus